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Diet [Part 5] Prepare the intestinal environment

People who want to gain muscle by doing muscle training want to increase the amount of protein, but overdose is dangerous.

If a large amount of protein is ingested at one time, it cannot be digested and absorbed, and the surplus (surplus) is decomposed into nitrogen and eventually becomes ammonia. (The fart has a strong smell like a boiled egg. Be careful.)

Nitrogen in the body is excreted as urine by the action of the liver and kidneys, but if it continues for a long time, it may cause visceral fatigue. In addition, excess protein becomes food for bad bacteria (bad intestinal bacteria) and disturbs the intestinal environment.

What you eat is mainly broken down in the “stomach” and “duodenum” and most of the nutrients are absorbed in the “small intestine”. What cannot be absorbed is carried to the large intestine (in the large intestine, it absorbs sodium and potassium, and Escherichia coli decomposes dietary fiber) and absorbs water to make stool. This is the mechanism of digestion and absorption.

As you can see, even with a well-balanced PFC and a good diet, nutrients are not well absorbed by the body if the intestinal environment is poor.

Types and functions of “intestinal bacteria” that regulate the intestinal environment

There are three types of intestinal bacteria, “good bacteria”, “bad bacteria”, and “opportunistic bacteria”, and for healthy people, the balance is 20% good bacteria and 10% bad bacteria. .. The remaining 70% are called “opportunistic bacteria”, which are strains that work both well and badly.

“Opportunistic bacteria” are indecisive bacteria and will be on the side of either “good bacteria” or “bad bacteria”. 

Studies have shown that people with a lot of “good bacteria” have a better intestinal environment and do not gain weight. And it is also said that “short-chain fatty acids” are involved.

Increase good bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids

Lactic acid bacteria such as yogurt are “good bacteria”. Good bacteria increase by feeding on dietary fiber, so be sure to include foods that are rich in dietary fiber along with lactic acid bacteria.

[Foods rich in dietary fiber]
Brown rice, vegetables such as gobo, asparagus, cabbage, fruits such as bananas and grapefruits, beans such as soybeans and natto, mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms and mushrooms, potatoes such as sweet potatoes and konjac, seaweeds such as wakame and hijiki

Actively incorporating fermented foods activates “good bacteria” that produce “short-chain fatty acids.”

[Fermented food]
Miso, soy sauce, natto, vinegar, yogurt, cheese, kimchi, pickles, pickles, sake, etc.

You may think that sake is good, but there is also a “sake diet”. Sake is rich in amino acids, and if you don’t drink it in large quantities, you’re the “chief of a hundred medicines.” Limited to pure rice sake! It’s interesting, so I’ll write an article on another occasion.

Water-soluble dietary fiber that increases short-chain fatty acids

Short-chain fatty acids are organic acids such as butyric acid, propionic acid, and acetic acid produced by the intestinal bacteria.

When you ingest water-soluble dietary fiber, short-chain fatty acids are produced by the intestinal bacteria that are originally in the body and fermented as food. Short-chain fatty acids regulate the intestinal environment as shown in the figure below.

Short chain fatty acids

It also has an anti-cancer effect when the intestinal environment is adjusted.

In the United States, there is a research result that if the intestinal environment is bad, it will be “fat”

According to an American study, when mice were transplanted with the intestinal bacteria of fat people and the intestinal bacteria of lean people, the mice transplanted with the intestinal bacteria of fat people became “fat”. It seems that there are results and it is attracting attention.

I don’t want to be “fat”! That’s right!

This time, it was how to prepare the intestinal environment.

Diet series [Part 1] to [Part 5]
I have an article about the specific calculation method required for dieting, so please read it in order!

Diet [Part 1] Not weight loss! Remove fat
Diet [Part 2] Know the daily calorie consumption
Diet [Part 3] Adjust calorie intake with three major nutrients
Diet [Part 4] How to eat
Diet [Part 5] Prepare the intestinal environment


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